Coach Lee

NASM - CPT, CNC, USA Swim Certified Coach, NFHS Level 2

Lee Stephenson is a dynamic fitness professional, renowned for his multifaceted expertise in physical training and nutrition coaching. With certifications as a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, Lee possesses a comprehensive skill set that empowers individuals to achieve their fitness goals and optimize their overall wellness.

Lee's journey into the realm of fitness began as a collegiate athlete, where he excelled in two sports, showcasing his athleticism, discipline, and determination. His collegiate athletic career not only honed his physical abilities but also instilled in him a deep understanding of the importance of proper training and nutrition for peak performance.

Beyond the confines of collegiate athletics, Lee further distinguished himself as a competitive mountain biker, navigating challenging terrains with precision and strength. His experience in the demanding world of mountain biking equipped him with invaluable insights into endurance training, injury prevention, and mental resilience.

Lee's passion for fitness extends beyond his personal endeavors, leading him to become a respected swim coach. In this role, he imparts his knowledge and expertise to aspiring athletes, guiding them to reach their full potential in the pool.

Additionally, Lee's journey to fitness was not without its challenges. Overcoming significant injuries along the way, he gained a deep understanding of the importance of resilience and perseverance in the pursuit of wellness. Drawing from his 25 years of pastoral ministry, Lee has developed a holistic approach to fitness that encompasses not only physical well-being but also mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

With his diverse background and extensive expertise, Lee Stephenson is committed to empowering individuals to unlock their inner strength, achieve their fitness aspirations, and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Whether through personalized training programs, nutritional guidance, or motivational coaching, Lee is dedicated to igniting a spark of transformation in each of his clients.


  • Athletic Performance

  • Weight Loss

  • Muscle Gain

  • Functional Mobility

  • Cycling, Running, Swimming (Race preparation)

  • Nutrition

  • Life/Habit Coaching